
Staking: Stake LPtoken to the mining pool for mining

1. Click [Liquidity ] on [Home] to check the TVL of the pool on this page. For your information, TVL means Total Value Locked, which generally refers to the total value of digital assets staked by users in an encrypted token project.

2、 Check the dual-token pool [Live]. Taking YOU/USDT LP as an example, click [Approve] and pay the Gas fees to stake the LP of added liquidity.

2. Click the [Stake] button.

3. In the pop-up window of staking LP Tokens, enter the volume of LP tokens to be staked. Click [Confirm] and pay the Gas fees to start YOU mining. The [MAX] button refers to one-click input of the maximum amount.

4. After staking, the YOU benefit can be checked in real time. Click the [Harvest] button and pay the Gas fees to collect the benefits.

Click to get LP token

Last updated